Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fresno's on the map

I got back from Fresno, California this afternoon. Last night I played there at the "The Brick Wall" with an incredible cast of luminaries: Don Burnham(Western Swing Hall-of-Famer, Lost Weekend bandleader,  pedal steel guitarist, songwriter, composer, singer, guitarist, recording artist, raconteur), Bobby Black(Western Swing Hall-of-Famer, Asleep at the Wheel, Black Brothers Band, pedal steel guitarist, recording artist, zen guy), Bob Applebaum(LA mando[lin]-to-the-max, Disneyland, sometime singer, science genius), Bernard Payton(LA shipbuider, towering ebony booming bass voice, songwriter of dance grooves for everybody, guitarist, mystery urban cowboy), Sarah Dee Burnham(lithe vocal counterparts, lead singer of Ned Miller songs). With the addition of myself, we comprised "Don Burnham and the Bolos". Way fun gig, nice folks in the audience, too.